I chose a shirt cause it is the object which everyone wears everyday. People usually like to wear nice shirts because sometimes shirts can make you fashionable. It is the thing which I really like to look for when I’m shopping. I have had this shirt for 2 years and my mother bought it for me because it was Children’s Day. This shirt remind me of my fabulous past 12 Children’s Day. I think people will not be able live without shirt even a day, so I think is very useful object to not only me but everyone.
I really take care of my glass. Without it I will not be able to see anything clearly. I kept this glass for 4 years even that it is not available for me, because my eyesight has gone worse than 4 years ago. I think that glass gives hope to people who have bad eyesight like me.
Maybe this is the object everyone likes. Without money I think I will not be able to do anything. If I don’t have any I think I will not be able to pay for food, cloth, school fees.... That’s why I appreciate my parents who works so hard to earn money in order to get me educated. I would really like to help children who’s poor when again like 3 years ago.
The given Buddhist name given by the monk sul-won is so precious to me. It was little pain when he burn the incense and touch my arm and it went red. But after that he gave me wonderful Buddhist name to me. It is read as hui-ming. It means my knowledge will save the world. So I really want to be a person who can save the world with knowledge.
I really appreciate the notebook my friends from my previous school gave me. It has all the information about them, so I can contact them anytime. They were so kind to me when I first went there which was 2 years ago. They taught me a lot of Chinese and help me get use to the school faster for past 2 years. So I call each one every month to ask how are they doing. I really like ISKL but I also really don’t want to forget the memory in my previous school. That is why I choose this note book as the object that represents me.
I think the piggy bank represents me very well cause my hobby is saving money. I always save about RM250 every month. I started saving money is when I was 9 years old. For 4 years I have saved RM6500. Now I am thinking of donating some to the poors. From then I started saving money everyday cause the more I save the more I can help the kids in orphanage.
Drawing is also one of my hobby. So I think that my art sketchbook is one of the object represents me. I usually draw when I have nothing to do. I often go to the lobby of the condominium and draw things. I feel so good after I finish my drawing even it look ugly to others for me every painting is the best. It really helps me to have peace when I draw ,so when I’m sad or upset I go down and draw. That’s why it is the thing it represents me.
I really love listening music. When I sleep I listen classic music, when I’m in bus I listen to k-pop. That’s why I always bring my hand phone and earphone to listen music anytime. My favorite singer is IU, she is the best singer to me. I was even listening to her songs when I wrote this paragraph. The reason why I like it because singing makes me delighted.
The bracelet given by the priest really gave me the think of the value of life and death. It's amazing that I understand small part of the meaning of death and life.