If I can change the world and choose one characteristics it would be consideration for others. This painting which I found by searching some paintings with google.Two hand seems like they want to grab each other's friend. And the background seems really bautiful showing harmony. With my rough guess it look like the painting is showing that when both hands tries to grab each other they create harmony and I also believe that that is true.
Real life it's the same when people start understand each other and consider for each other they will be a best friend their enviroment will be happy too. It's not only human that benefits from consideration and connection everything in the earth is connected and that connection became a little loose by the time flew. There are great technology improvements from the past that makes our life comfortable but, by relying on them these days, people don't meet each other often as before. And it is hard for people to develope relationships if they don't see each other and talk. And it's also not good for the health.
Real life it's the same when people start understand each other and consider for each other they will be a best friend their enviroment will be happy too. It's not only human that benefits from consideration and connection everything in the earth is connected and that connection became a little loose by the time flew. There are great technology improvements from the past that makes our life comfortable but, by relying on them these days, people don't meet each other often as before. And it is hard for people to develope relationships if they don't see each other and talk. And it's also not good for the health.
What I think the most important thing in the world in consideration for each other. Trying to help each other and creating relationships or improving the relationships. Human is a animal who mostly live for their benefit but, not considering other's situation. Most of the time if one benefits other loses, randomely both benefits. Even from the past till now you could still see that there is a barrier between the poor and rich. Principles of population by Thomas Robert Malthus shows that every 25 years the population doubles but, he said that there will be food shortage as the population increases so that the poor should control the birth of their children. And he also said that any help to the poors should be stopped. Malthus said illness and hunger are sad things but, it is the most natural ways to reduce the population. That theory is not true and how Malthus is not showing any consideration for the poors. They are also same humans as us. Thanks to so many foundation that tries to help the poor such as UN, Children International and etc.. So many people is willing to donate these days such as Warren Buffet, Bill Gates.
I know that it is not a easy job to understand people even though they are not related to us but, the world has to be connected in order to make a better world where everyone can make a big smile everyday. Everyone has to care/consider for others in order to get connected. I personally want to connect this matter to a poem call "No Man Is An Island by John Donne. Donne indicates that one person is not the whole but a part of a whole to make the whole. It's like a puzzle the small piece is just a part to fill in the whole. The quote from the poem " If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less" tells that even though the smallest part of the Earth is gone every other part will suffer and it's diminished. Consideration is important if we just ignore others the parts will fall. If one species disappears, others will disappear because they don't have anything to depend on, and soon everything will be destroyed and we human will get effected by that. If something disappear it won't straight away effect us, humans but, it will be critical to us one day. We are all interconnected and interdependent. We need to stop things disappearing or else our life will never be stable but weak and vulnerable. We humans don't really appreciate what we have and just ignore it. The ignorance is like a wind which is trying to shake our life blocks so that the blocks will collapse. We need something to block the wind which is a small hope from everyone, perhaps a smile, perhaps a thank you, perhaps standing up for people when they need help. It shows that we're connected. Ignoring is like a earthquake shaking every parts and it's our duty to stop it from destroying more parts. We need small hope and consideration from everyone so we can block the strong earthquake.