In 1933 Hitler managed to become the chancellor. After one month as chancellor the Reichstag building burned and Hitler used this to build up his power. He called this a state of emergency and persuaded Hindenburg, the president, to take away all the civil liberties. It led to the genocide. And in April 1933 NAZI announced a one day boycott of Jewish business.September 1935 Hitler made Nuremberg rules announcing that no Jews can have the citizens right. Germans were blaming Jews for the defeat of the WW1,hyper inflation and all the problems in Germany. Nov.1938 the "Kristallnacht" happened. People call it Crystal night because of the shattered glass of the windows.It was also a warning to German citizens that if they stand up they will be treated like Jews. The NAZI gangs attacked the Jews which killed 100 Jews(but I don't think that they only killed 100). 30,000 Jews were sent to the concentration camps. But, the unfair thing is that Hitler told the Jews to pay for the damage of what they've did. It costed 1billion German marks. It was really unfair for the Jews who got attacked and they had to pay for the damage they had. It caused the economy fall in Germany.The people who were sent to the camp had only little water and somefood(mostly dirty,infected). The dirt food caused serious health desease to Jews. And a lot of Jews committee suicided in the concentration camp because, they couldn't bare to be treated like a dirt,rubbish or worst than animals.