Mr.Whiting and our class worked about the dominant learning profile. Everyone got to know which profile they are and both good and bad part of that profile. It was a great experience to know my own learning style. It came out that I am profile C, and I am a logic dominant learner. When Profile C 's under stress they're visual ability shuts down but it is better than profile L because, when profile L's under stress it will shut down every ability they have and the person will not be able to do anything.Now, I'll tell you some facts of the logic dominant learner. Logic dominant learner needs time and space in order to generate ideas. And also it's hard for me to accept new facts. Finally, I need to be more active!! I was so shocked because this profile C matched me too much and I am scared~~
Profile L learns best by focusing on the listening. It's better to sit on the left side and on a back row to easily access their right ear. I learn better if there is information of it. It's better to see things in small piece to get more knowledge and understand it better. My personal style of learning is to listen music while doing my work. It makes brain work better. I prefer learning in a quiet place but, it doesn't matter I can study even it's noisy.
But, I can't study if there is a whole bunch of people in one room moving around.
I need to really MOVE!! What I mean by move is that I need to be hyper-active. One complex of profile C is that they're not really active. I really have accept new stuff easily in order to study well. If I continue to not accept new stuff I'm sure that I will have NP's for all of my subject. This is a complex which could hurt people's feeling, I need to be aware of my emotions and to express it.
The strategies that would help me improving my studies are Brainstorm, Pay more attention to gut instincts and using picture to understand stuff. Movements that relax ans use all eye muscles in an integrative way like Lazy 8's,Three dimensional arts and blinking while tracking the edge of an object from the Brain Gym. Brain can really help when you're under stress,nervous,tired and depressed.
I would like my teacher to know that I'm good at cutting things down into small piece and make connection but, I'm weak at seeing the whole thing. And I need time and space when I learn new thing or understanding thing. My imagination is high but, I 'm not good at making it as what it looked like in my imaginary.(It's so different)
This is all for now with my precious Profile C. Thank You for seeing this article.
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