Irena Sendler with some children she save during the war 2005/
A savior of thousands of life was born in Poland 15 February 1910. Her name is Irena Sendler. She lost her father by typhus when she was seven. Her father was a physician and he got infected by typhus from Jewish patient. After his death the Jewish community leader's helped Sendler for living and education. Sendler eventually grew up as a knowledgeable and confident lady.Her action toward helping the Jews started from year 1939.
Hitler who was the head of NAZI began the Genocide in the year 1939. Hitler and his gang smashed all Jewish shop's window and the night when Hitler and his gang smashed everything is called "crystal night" because the broken pieces of windows seemed like crystals. During that time, Sendler was living in Warsaw working for the urban Social Welfare departments. She made over 3000 false documents to help the Jewish children to escape from the Warsaw Ghetto. And by helping the Jewish children she knew that it was going aginst Hitler who had ultimate power over the country. Hitler found Sendler as an obstacle to his plan later on. But, that did not stop her from helping the Jewish kids. She was willing to sacrifice her life in order to save more children. She sent the children to any place where they could be safe. She and her co-workers buried the jar with over 3000 children's identity and their information and promised to open it when the war ends.
But, in 1943, Sendler was arrested by the Gestapo(Secret Police) and was sentenced death. She was tortured and she was treated so bad in the jail. Żegota(Co-worker) saved her by bribing German guards on the way to her execution. She was listed on public bulletin boards as among those executed. She couldn't do anything but hide until the war ended and everyone was free. After the war she looked for the jar she buried with all the children's identity. After she found the jar and wanted to find the parents of Jewish children but, most of them were missing or dead.
"I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning,regardless of religion and nationality." is what Irena Sendler was told and believed throughout her life. If she didn't help out the Jewish children they could have been sent to labor camp and get killed. She risked her life for over 3000 children and she was almost executed by doing that. She know that she has to fight for justice and the life of the children.d many rescued children, Irena Sendlerowa is a third mother. Good, wise, kind, athe children saved by Sendler said about Sendler.
Her mind and action by standing up did not just save the Jews but, gave everyone encouragement and motivation to stand up and help the people who's suffering. Dystopian society will never end unless everyone is caring for each other.Her action shows that it is worth fighting for people because, it doesn't only save the people but, effects people's mind and heart toward each other. Through her actions, she taught us that it is important to stand up for others. She wanted a better life for not only Jews but, everyone in this world who's suffering. She tells everyone that justice is worth fighting for and people are worth fighting for.